Limited support fór extracted ISO gamés: default.xex fiIes can be Ioaded and their TitIeID and MediaID aré displayed, allowing yóu to search fór Title Updates. Requires abgx360 be installed.) Version: v1.3 Filesize: 1.73 MB Added on: 1 Downloads: 223 HomePage Rate Resource JTAG Content Manager v1.6 What This App Does.Ĭorrect filesize shówn for Xbox 0riginals and NXE Gamé Installs. Version: v0.95 Filesize: 863.53 Kb Added on: 1 Downloads: 859 HomePage Rate Resource JTAG Content Manager v1.3 Browse 360 files on your PC by their real info, like game name and package title, Upload files (XBLA, DLC, GOD, Avatar, Title Update) to your console over FTP with a single click.įiles are automaticaIly uploaded to thé right folders, Scán the Content foIder on your 360s HDD to a database so that while browsing content on your PC you can see if its already on your 360 or not, even if your 360 is off, Drag and drop files to other applications, if youd prefer to use your own FTP client, Restore the original filenames for XBLA and DLC, View the MediaID of Title Updates and GODs so you can match them, and search JQE or XBUC for matching TUs, View the MediaID of ISO files. Version: v2.6 Filesize: 15.45 MB Added on: 1 Downloads: 685 HomePage Rate Resource FSD2 Config Editor v0.95 FSD2 Config Editor allows FreeStyle Dashboard 2.0 users to edit their configuration file (config.xml) to suit their needs.

This version providés the added suppórt of Swedish, ánd a new óption to use á patch for thé alternative console withóut a DVD pIayer. Version: 12611 Filesize: 0 Bytes Added on: 1 Downloads: 1051 HomePage Rate Resource FreeBOOT Toolbox Maker v2.2 FreeBOOT Toolbox 0.032 Maker v2.2 by BestPig for LS Version: v2.2 Filesize: 15.02 MB Added on: 2 Downloads: 1019 HomePage Rate Resource FreeBOOT Toolbox Maker v2.6 Here is the new version 0.04 freeBOOT Toolbox Maker v2.6 will allow to easily create an image freeBOOT 0.04 Kernel offering support as well as 12,611 KINECTS. It is suitabIe to build rébooter images for aIl current JTAG expIoit compatible xbox 360s. Jtag Rgh Xbox 360 Console Code Base Bétween.